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Jilly Cooper: People are running more than they’re having sex

Adaptation of the her racy 1988 novel Rivals is to premiere on Disney+, starring David Tennant and Aidan Turner

Young people today are running more than they are having sex, romance novelist Dame Jilly Cooper has claimed.
The 87-year-old said that instead of having fun together it appears everyone is “jogging miles and miles and miles”.
An adaptation of Cooper’s hit 1988 book Rivals is to premiere on Disney+ and stars David Tennant and Aidan Turner, introducing a new generation of readers to her work.
When asked how she felt about the new adaption, Cooper, whose books have sold more than 11 million copies in the UK alone, said: “I’m thrilled. It’s got this fantastic cast of gorgeous men, and fantastically pretty girls… lots of desirability in it now. It’s very sexy, but it’s very well-acted too.”
In an interview published in the Observer magazine, Cooper was then asked by the actor David Tennant what she believed was the most “powerful pull on human nature”.
Romantic entanglements, dastardly deals, sex and wit.👠 Based on the bestselling novel by Dame Jilly Cooper, #Rivals, the Original series, will be landing on Disney+ this year.
She replied: “If you’re passionately in love, it would be sex, wouldn’t it? It really would. But I think sex less now.
“People are all going jogging aren’t they? Running. Everybody runs miles and miles and miles and I don’t think there is so much much sex now.
“So actually I think it’s money. Everybody wants money because they’re very, very worried about what’s going to happen with the government and whether Putin is going to bomb us.”
Running clubs are seeing a rise across the country and there are currently over 2,000 registered in the UK. Almost 580,000 people applied for this year’s London Marathon, an increase of 120,000 on the year before.
One of the biggest run clubs in the UK is Friday Night Lights, which advertises itself as “the healthiest night out in London”. The group said the club brings “music, energy and atmosphere to the City’s streets and parks”.
The popularity of jogging has also been attributed to the rising cost of living which has seen people looking for cheaper ways to stay fit. Gyms often have expensive monthly fees, and fitness studios can be extremely costly.
Social media has also played a part, and TikTok is filled with videos of runners filming themselves while jogging in scenic settings.
In a recent BBC documentary, reflecting on her own teenage years, Cooper said: “The only thing I was ever interested in was men.”
She added: “Life is quite short of joy and I think sex is heaven.
“I think one should have as much as you can and in books I think you should have quite a lot, too.”
Cooper also revealed she has spoken to her children about the potential publication of her diaries.
She said: “I’ve kept a diary for years. The earlier diaries are very, very over the top really, they are quite naughty. And I say to my children [about publishing them]: “Darling, would you like to be rich and embarrassed or poor and safe?” And they say: “Rich and embarrassed.”
